5 tips to improve your business comms in the new year.

It’s that time of year. Here comes the “New Year, New You article!”

You’ve been back in the office for a few weeks. Christmas is a distant memory, New years resolutions have been made (and maybe even broken), your gym membership has restarted with very good intentions to attend regularly…it’s going to be a great year.

So you’ve made some resolutions for yourself. What about your business?

The beginning of the year is a perfect time to review what you currently have in place. There are so many tools to help you work smarter and help you work as productively as possible for the year ahead.

Here are some tips to get your business in shape for 2015:

  1. Use one provider for your Calls, Lines & Mobiles
    • Wouldn’t it be easier to get all of your line and call charges on one bill? It makes sense to consolidate all of your incoming services to make it easier to manage and analyse from one bill when you need to. Having one point of contact can also make it easier to solve any problems quicker.
    • Learn more about Dalycom Calls, Lines & Mobiles here.
  2. Get current and immediately cut business expenses
    • It’s not often you can cut costs and get the latest technology whilst doing so. Get current with hosted services. They’re definitely the key to creating a more flexible working environment as well as helping to cut business expenses substantially by removing unnecessary hardware expenses.
    • Learn more about Dalycom’s Hosted Services here.
  3. Improve employee and customer satisfaction with flexible working
    • Hosted services mean you are more contactable and have access to files whilst on the go or when working from home. This can be an invaluable asset to increase customer satisfaction whilst on the go and help to improve  employee productivity when working out of the office.
    • Learn more about Dalycom’s Hosted Services here.
  4. Collaborate with customers and suppliers more cost effectively
    • Have you thought of having virtual meetings rather than travelling to customer’s premises? Sometimes a face to face meeting is essential however virtual meetings are an excellent way of getting people from multiple locations together to discuss various projects and even edit documents between the group.
    • Learn how to collaborate more effectively here.
  5. Make sure you have a disaster recovery plan in place
    • This is usually something people will get round to doing “one day”. That “one day” needs to be today! Imagine the effect it would have on your business if you lost all of your valuable data such as customer database, important documents etc. But you have them backed up on hardware I hear you say…how often have you checked to see whether these are ok…what if there was a fire and the hardware is no longer there? It sounds a bit extreme – but you never know. This is why using the cloud to back up is a no- brainer (we think so anyway). You can access  your data from anywhere in the event of a disaster so your business can carry on as it were.