5 tips to secure your business premises whilst away

The run up to a well earned break can be hectic. Once your inbox is up to date and your “out of office” is on, the last thing you want to do is put your business premises at risk if you are going to be closed for a long period of time.

According to a security survey, it is estimated that 20% of all recorded crime in the UK are for offences against businesses.

Here are 5 tips to ensure your property is safe whilst you are away:

  1. Place CCTV cameras, Alarms and Security Mirrors at strategic points.
    • Presence of the appropriate security cameras and other equipment act as a deterrent for criminals by just being there.
  2. Lighting
    • Often overlooked but can be very effective for evenings and weekends, as criminals will not want to be illuminated when trying to break in so will naturally avoid getting into that situation.
  3. Proper Inventory, Staff & Access Control
    • It is easier for fraud to occur if there is no control. Acts such as forgetting to lock an area and not carrying out audits can leave your property vulnerable to crime.
  4. Secure building access points
    • Ensure access points into the building such as doors and windows have the relevant security measures such as good quality locks and CCTV cameras covering the area.
  5. Invest in good window dressings
    • These can be simple blinds which can be closed at night so people can’t look in, or security grilles to deter windows from being broken.

We are sure your business will already have most of these measures in place. If you would like to find out more about our security cameras, please contact us to speak to a specialist.