Government Broadband Connection Voucher Scheme

You may or may not be aware that the Government has committed to improving the broadband speeds for small businesses over the next few years.

As part of the “Super Connected Cities” programme, small businesses’ can benefit from a £100m pot of money to connect to better quality, high speed broadband. Businesses can apply for grants of up to £3000 to cover the installation of faster and better broadband, which will ultimately lead to better customer service and increased reliability.

Prime Minister David Cameron has said:

I strongly urge businesses to make the most of this offer which will save them thousands of pounds, help generate thousands more, and ensure they are properly equipped to compete in today’s digital age.

There are many business benefits from going superfast:

  • Improved customer service as it will be quicker to pull up records, send files etc.
  • Reduction in hardware costs as you will have the option to move to cloud based services.
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration through video conferencing and cloud based sharing.
  • Future-proofing your business with the latest technology to meet your customers’ needs.

As you can see, a faster connection can provide endless opportunities to help streamline all areas of your business.

Dalycom are delighted to be on the suppliers list for the connection vouchers.

See our listing here

To find out if you are eligible you can take a look at the eligibility checker or contact us to speak to one of the team who would love to help you go superfast!
