5 ways business broadband improves productivity

business broadband leicester nottingham, dalycom

Is your internet connection a waste of time?

Imagine you’ve got a deadline looming, you’re desperately trying to get your work done quickly and then, the dreaded “Buffering” symbol comes up. Do you keep letting it take up your valuable time or do something about it?

For most businesses, the broadband connection needs to be there working away in the background. It’s one of those things we don’t really think about until something breaks or you notice a problem – so there’s no need to upgrade right?

We rely on Broadband to communicate with clients and colleagues in ways that would have amazed us just a few short years ago, but are pivotal to business today. So it makes sense to invest in business broadband to ensure we are working as efficiently as possible.

Here are our top 5 ways business broadband can boost productivity:

1.    Speed

A higher connection speed means pages load faster, downloads are quicker, emails are sent faster and cloud based apps run smoother. The less time you spend waiting for things to load, the more time you can spend working on those important tasks.

2.    Improved Relations

Being able to speak with colleagues, partners and clients through VoIP telephone systems or video conferencing allows more time to be spent working on strategy and other projects, and less time organising transport and travel times.

3.    Reliability

When your internet connection is slow or lost completely, there’s a serious impact on productivity. Not being able to reply to incoming emails can cause frustration on both sides, so minimising your chances of downtime will also minimise any disruption to customer service as well as the completion of tasks for clients and colleagues.

4.      Better Collaboration

Sharing documents between employees, customers and suppliers becomes much quicker as multiple team members can access and work on online documents at the same time. This naturally results in work being completed more quickly and efficiently as less time is spent sending documents back and forth.

5.      It’s easier to work in the Cloud

Cloud based applications are constantly uploading and downloading which can take time on a slow internet connection. From streamlining communications and ensuring shorter wait times to minimising downtime- strong broadband increases the time that your team can spend working on the tasks they need to complete and opens up opportunities for better collaboration and efficient teamwork.

So, there it is! A good business broadband connection can create a stress-free, collaborative and productive workplace with brilliant customer service!

If you’re thinking of upgrading your Broadband connection there are a wide variety of options available, which you can see here.

Alternatively, feel free to contact us and we would be happy to go through the options available to you.