Q&A With an IT Technician

At a time where more and more companies, SME’s in particular, are investing in technology to provide growth, there comes the burning question “Who does my business look to, to take care of the technical elements?” This is where an experienced IT Support company can assist.

We spoke to one of our IT technicians to, answer a few questions about (among other things) the state of cybersecurity, and what a business needs to ask when choosing an IT support service.

Q1. What makes IT support so important, especially to small businesses?

A) “You get to talk to me! DP *thumbs up*. Small businesses usually do not have the budget to employ a full time IT person. If they do have a member of staff that does the IT, then they are usually someone who does a few bits at home and knows a few things. While this person may be suitable for getting by on general things, even they will get stuck at times and will need assistance. This is why dedicated IT Support is needed, you can take the burden off the staff members, let them get on with the work they actually need to do and let the IT Support take care of your business.”

Q2. Roughly 66% of small businesses suffered a cyber attack in 2018 according to the Federation of Small Businesses’, what would you recommend that companies be particularly aware of in 2019?

A) “They need to be aware that the percentage of attack will only increase. It’s very easy to launch a cyber-attack with the tools available. Companies need to know what comes into their business digitally and what defences they have in place to protect against these points of entry. Also the user; the weakest link in cybersecurity, after a poorly maintained system, is usually the user (the human element). Users must be able to spot false/phishing emails, websites, documents, etc.”

Q3. What would you say to a small business looking to invest in a support package but unsure of what they need?

A) “Have an open and honest conversation with your company and the supplier. Ensure your support package includes automated patching of computer operating systems (and third-party software as a bonus).”

Q4. Following on from the last question, earlier this year saw the launch of your IT support calculator. How does calculating a bespoke package differ from the standardised packages a lot of competitors are offering?

A) “Bespoke packages work better as they are more tailored to your business needs. With our support package, we try to fit in with how you work/operate rather than forcing you to work in how competitors would like you to. In terms of the calculating, you can clearly see what the package would potentially cost you right from the get-go.”

To get your own customised IT support package, visit our IT support page or check out the Dalycom support calculator.