Dalycom extends Support to IT & CCTV

Support clouds

Dalycom are delighted to announce that we can now provide support for your IT and CCTV systems in addition to the traditional telephony contracts we have always offered.

Our aim is to ensure you have the best cover for your business communications, IT and CCTV as they are ultimately the backbone for any organisation. As our portfolio has increased into the Hosted,  IT and CCTV markets it makes sense to ensure we can offer support on these areas of the business too.

Unlike other support agreements, Dalycom support enables you to tailor the cover to your business needs. You can mix and match the level of service you receive per system part enabling you to prioritise the more important parts of your system which may have a large impact on your business if a major fault does occur.

Our support packages start from “Bed & Breakfast” which is basic remote assistance only, all the way up up to “All inclusive” Support which covers everything as well as offering yearly healthchecks to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Support Levels

At the end of the day, the type of cover you choose is up to you. In the event of a fault you want to know that it will be handled and fixed promptly, which is what Dalycom’s fully trained engineers are here to do for you.

If you would like more information on our Support Service levels or would like to discuss cover please contact us today.