Benefits of Remote Working

Benefits of Remote Working

As remote working continues to grow over the last four months, there are many benefits to all parties involved.

Remote working can lead to astonishing productivity, according to Stanford University, who found that there was an impressive increase in work productivity amongst people who worked from home. The study, which involved 500 people who worked both remotely and in an office, concluded that productivity amongst remote workers, was equal to a full day’s work each week.

Although remote working does require an initial set up cost to ensure that every employee has the right communication tools, broadband connection, and a laptop/desktop, remote working does help to reduce the overhead costs for companies. This can include rent, business rates, utility bills and additional maintenance costs to run each office.

Companies are also able to open up new jobs to a broader talent pool out there. With remote working, companies can search for new talent around the UK and throughout the rest of the world. If a new employee has been found outside the UK, companies will no longer have to spend on relocation costs and offer additional relocation incentives, as their employee will be working remotely.

A report from OWL Labs has also found that employee stress levels are reduced, with one of the main contributing factors being commuting to and from work during rush hour. Employees have also found that they have gained an average of 2-3 hours a day, as they no longer have to commute to and from work.

Employees also benefit from additional savings, they save on travelling costs as they no longer need to commute to and from work, save on food cost when eating out and child care costs.

Working from an office does bring in the social aspect of work, workers will get to know each other and thus collaborate better. However, employees have adapted to the way they socialise after work, by meeting online via video conferencing, from the comfort and safety of their homes.

Video conferencing meetings during a workday, allow employees to engage with each other, instant messaging tools, will enable them to be there and with the right technology, employees can socialise in the ‘new way’, allowing them to collaborate and get to know each other better.

The right tools engage a positive attitude, which in turn has excellent benefits for the employer and the employee.

To find out more about the full range of collaboration and productivity tools that can help your employees work remotely, call us on 01509 410 410.